Last modified by - 8 years ago
1 min read

Translating apps

Translating WPAS apps into your language involves only two files.

WPAS creates APP-NAME-emdplugins.pot and APP-NAME.pot files when your app gets generated. These are the only two files that need to be translated to complete localization of your app.

  • APP-NAME-emd-plugins.pot file is for the components used in your app.

  • APP-NAME.pot file is for your app specific strings that need to be translated.

To translate your app into any language

  1. Copy APP-NAME-emd-plugins.pot as language specific .po file such as APP-NAME-emd-plugins-tr_TR.po.

  2. Copy APP-NAME.pot as language specific .po file such as APP-NAME-tr_TR.po.

  3. Use your favorite PO file editor and complete translation strings in the .po files you created.

  4. When translations are completed, create .mo file of each .po file.

  5. Login to APP-NAME and see if you missed any translations. Repeat the process if you need make any changes.

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