Last modified by - 8 years ago
4 min read

Defining initial app settings

Settings page helps you define initial look and feel of your app as well as overall website. You add/remove specific modules such as operations, analytics, admin filters.

Based on the settings App info tab, a default readme.txt file generated. You can use this file to further add details of your app.

  • App Info: Create generic information about your app here.

  • Navigation: Enable or disable some navigation menus of WordPress.

  • Licensing: Set app license and optionally enable EDD licensing plugin configuration..

  • Dashboards: Enable or disable some dashboard widgets of WordPress.

  • Toolbar: Enable or disable some navigation menus on WordPress toolbar.

  • Login Screen: Customize login screen with your own logo.

  • Footer: Set backend footer sections; left and right.

  • Mail: Set system mail address and other related configuration

  • Misc: Set frontend and backend jQuery UI theme here. You can also remove operations screen, filters and columns block or enable custom reporting module(analytics), set app-wide css, and define app images.

Below are the configuration options provided in each tab. Click on the info icon for the field help.


Set a unique textdomain for your app. Textdomains are used in translations and plugin implementation. It can contain only letters and dashes, not more than 10 chars.

Site URL

Enter your the URL of site starting with http://

Site Name

Enter your blog's title.

App Short Description

Enter a short description of the application

App Description

Enter a brief description of the application

Application Version

Enter the app's version number.


Name Of The Plugin Author

Author Site Url

URI of the application author.

Remove Filters

This option removes filters and columns bar on the post and page list screen. Unless you have a relationship, custom attributes,custom taxonomies or shortcodes attached to post or page.

Remove Operations

Allows to display or remove operations page and its button.

Remove Analytics

Allows to display or remove analytics module.

Customize Navigation menus

Allows to display or remove menus.

Display Dashboard menu

Allows to display or remove the dashboard menu.

Display Posts menu

Allows to display or remove the posts menu.

Display Media menu

Allows to display or remove the media menu.

Display Links menu

Allows to display or remove the links menu.

Display Pages menu

Allows to display or remove the pages menu.

Display Appearance menu

Allows to display or remove the appearance menu.

Display Tools menu

Allows to display or remove the tools menu.

Display Users menu

Allows to display or remove the users menu.

Display Comments menu

Allows to display or remove the comments menu.

Remove all default dashboard widgets

Allows to remove all the standard dashboard widgets.

Force the Number of Columns in Dashboard

Forces the number of columns in the admin dashboard widgets

Remove admin toolbar

Allows to remove admin toolbar

Remove all standard admin toolbar menus

Allows to remove all default admin toolbar menus.

Display backend only toolbar

Allows to display admin toolbar only in the backend.

Display toolbar for site visitors

Allows to display admin toolbar in the frontend.

Login logo image url

Enter login logo image url for the application. It is displayed above the login box. For best results, use an image that is less than 326 pixels wide.

Toolbar image url

Enter toolbar image url for the application. It is displayed in the admin toolbar. For best results, use an image that is 20x20 pixels.

Theme Type

Whether this entity is intended to be used publicly either via the admin interface or by front-end users. -false- Entity is not intended to be used publicly and should generally be unavailable in the admin interface and on the front end unless explicitly planned for elsewhere. -true - Entity is intended for public use. This includes on the front end and in the admin interface. Options are Smoothness, UI lightness, UI darkness, Start, Redmond, Sunny, Overcast, Le Frog, Flick, Pepper Grinder, Eggplant, Dark Hive, Cupertino, South Street, Blitzer, Humanity, Hot Sneaks, Excite Bike, Vader, Dot Luv, Choc, Black Tie, Trontastic, Swanky Purse

Left footer

Displays a message in the left hand side of the backend footer.

Right footer

Displays a short message such as application version number in the right hand side of the backend footer.

Mail FROM email address

Sets the FROM email address for the application wide emails

Mail FROM name

Sets the name of the sender for the application wide emails.

Set Admin Notice 1(WPAS 4.1)

Displays a primary admin notice to users upon plugin activation with a dismiss link.

Notice URL 1(WPAS 4.1)

Sets the url of the admin notice 1 linked to.

Notice Description 1(WPAS 4.1)

Sets the admin notice 1 message. Max 350 chars.

Set Admin Notice 2(WPAS 4.1)

Displays a secondary admin notice to users upon plugin activation with a dismiss link.

Notice URL 2(WPAS 4.1)

Sets the url of the admin notice 2 linked to.

Notice Description 2(WPAS 4.1)

Sets the admin notice 2 message. Max 350 chars.

Remove Visual Shortcode Builder (WPAS 4.3)

Visual Shortcode Builder allows to display or remove standard view filters in WPAS button list on admin edit page screen toolbar. Check to remove this capability.

Remove Filters (WPAS 4.3)

Allows to display or remove Filters and Columns component on admin entity list screens.

Remove PDF/CSV Export in Filters (WPAS 4.5.0)

Allows to remove PDF/CSV Export functionality in advanced filters.

Remove Operations (WPAS 4.3)

Allows to display or remove Operations page and its button. Operations page is used to visually import/export and reset content of a specific entity and available for admins only.

Remove Analytics (WPAS 4.3)

Allows to display or remove analytics component. Analtics component is used in WPAS button list on admin edit page screen toolbar. to produce summary calculations (SUM, COUNT, MEAN etc.) based on attributes, taxonomies, and relationships.

CSS (WPAS 4.3)

Adds app-wide css definitions. You can use this field to insert common CSS definitions.

Images (WPAS 4.4)

Enter semicolon separated image file urls starting with https. All files will available locally. You can point to the files using IMGDIR constant. Exp; IMGDIR/example.png.

Fonts (WPAS 4.6.0)

Enter semicolon separated font file urls starting with https. All files will available locally. You can point to the files using FONTDIR constant. Exp; FONTDIR/example.ttf.

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