Last modified by MammaMia - 8 years ago
1 min read

Adding contextual help

Help module creates contextual help sections. Each help section is composed of a group of tabs and a sidebar column. You can create help sections for the list or edit screen of an entity or a taxonomy.

Optionally, you can also include a sidebar column to your help section. The sidebar always appears to the right-side of the main help content. Generally, a sidebar includes related info links on the entity or the taxonomy it is attached to.

The following describes the screen fields.

Attach to Entity

The entity or taxonomy you want to display help screen at.

Screen Type

The location of the help screen. You can select list or edit page.

Help SideBar

The content of the help screen sidebar.

To create contextual help

  1. After you created your App and at least one entity, click on help menu link.

  2. Click on the Add New link.

  3. Pick the entity or taxonomy you want to display help screen at from "Attach to" dropdown.

  4. Select the location of the help screen. You can select list or edit page.

  5. Each help screen can optionally have only one sidebar. If you need one, fill in the content.

  6. Click Save to finish.

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