Last modified by MammaMia - 5 years ago
1 min read

How can I translate WPAS apps to my language?

WPAS apps can be translated into any language by editing YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot and empd-pro.pot files.

  • YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot file is for the components used in your app
  • YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN.pot file is for app specific strings that need to be translated.

Follow the steps below to fully translate your app into the desired language:

  1. Copy YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot as language specific .po file such as YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins-tr_TR.po.
  2. Copy YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN.pot as language specific .po file such as YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-tr_TR.po.
  3. Use your favorite PO file editor and complete translation strings in the .po files you created.
  4. When translations are completed, create .mo file of each .po file.
  5. Create wp-content/languages/YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN directory
  6. Put translated .mo files and .po files in the directory above to protect them from getting deleted during plugin updates.
  7. Change the language to the translated language from Settings > General > Site Language.
  8. Repeat the process until you get all strings translated.

Make sure to change "tr_TR" in the example steps to your desired language extensions. If you want to use a plugin to localize your app, we recommend Loco Translate WordPress plugin which is freely available at

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