Last modified by MammaMia - 9 years ago
1 min read

Creating App Dashboard pages

Create app dashboard pages displaying charts, comments, recent records, datagrids and more in the admin area or in any page in the frontend using shortcodes.

App Dashboard pages can include the following components:

  • Integration views.

  • Datagrid views

  • Chart views

  • Admin dashboard widgets

  • Entity dashboard widgets

  • Comment dashboard widgets

To create a App Dashboard, simply check Display In App Dashboard checkbox while you are in the component page.

Alternatively, you can push the components listed above to WordPress dashboard as well. For WordPress dashboard, check Display in WordPress Dashboard checkbox while you are in the component page.

App Dashboard components can be dragged and dropped into a one-column slot or two-column slot. You can use Screen Options to tab at the top left corner of the page to enable or disable components.

Creating app dashboard pages in the front end

Simply check Create a setup page checkbox, put in Setup Page Title. After your app got generated, it will ask you to create setup pages. Click Ok and visit the page title.

To use multiple views in a page, just create a integration view, use as many !#shortcode[PUT-YOUR-VIEW-NAME-HERE]# tags as you need to in your view.

Creating a custom dashboard page for a specific user role.

You can a create a custom dashboard page for a specific user role. After you saved your view

  1. Go to Permissions menu

  2. Click on the role you would like to give limit access to

  3. Click on the view tab, select the view you created

  4. Check "View" permission checkbox

  5. Click save to finish

The users who do not have access the view content will get a no-access message which you can customize and translate into any language.

App Dashboard page screen options

App Dashboard page components can be enabled or disabled. When you disable a component, it will be not be loaded the next time you visit the page. If you created too many component and do not need realtime information then disabling some components may help load performance of your app dashboard page.

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