Last modified by MammaMia - 8 years ago
1 min read

How to create Bootstrap 3 Carousel in view layouts

It is very easy to create Twitter's Bootstrap 3 Carousel in WordPress using the following WPAS function tag to use it in your view layouts. Just use the following function in your view layouts. It will produce a standard Bootstrap 3 Carousel image slider without you knowing any markup:

!#bs-carousel[Image Attribute, Interval, Sliding effect, Show Indicators, Show Caption, Show Controls]#

  • Image Attribute: attribute tag be used for carousel images e.g. !#ent_event_picture#. The image size to be used for carousel images e.g. thumb, medium, large are specified by selecting the correct tag. e.g. !#ent_event_picture_thumb# produces thumb size slider. Required.

  • Interval: the amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If false, carousel will not automatically cycle. Default:5000.

  • Sliding effect:adds a CSS transition and animation effect, which makes the items slide when showing a new item. Default:true. Optional

  • Show Indicators: display or hide indicators for carousel images. Default:true. Optional

  • Show Caption: display or hide image caption for carousel images. Caption title comes from image title attribute, and caption text comes from the image caption, both of which can be set in WordPress media library by editing the image selected. Both text are responsive. Default:true. Optional

  • Show Controls: display or hide carousel controls. Default:true. Optional

If you'd like to use the defaults, all you need to do is to leave the optional parameters empty e.g.:

!#bs-carousel[Put your Image Attribute here]

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