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Creating entities

An entity is a person, object, place, event, or a concept for which data is collected. Some entities come already built-in such as posts or pages.

The following describes the entity screen configuration fields.


General name for the entity, usually singular max. 20 characters, can not contain capital letters,reserved words or spaces.

Plural Label

A plural descriptive name for the entity marked for translation.

Singular Label

It is the name for one object of this entity.


Whether the entity is hierarchical (e.g. page). Allows Parent to be specified.

Inline (WPAS 4.3)

Creates the required configuration to be used in WPAS inline entity connection type. Inline entities can not have custom attributes and only support built-in title and content. Inline entities can not shared by multiple entities. Inline entity connection type is used to create attribute mapping for WPAS Inline Entity extension.


A short descriptive summary of what the entity is.

Show Advanced Options

Enables the advanced section.

Enable Sortable (WPAS 4.5.0)

Enables drag and drop sorting of entity records by users. Choose -Menu Order- option in widget and view -Sort Retrieved By- dropdown to use this functionality.

Menu Name

It defines the menu name text. This string is the name to give menu items. Defaults to value of entity name

Add New

It defines the add new text. The default is Add New for both hierarchical and non-hierarchical entities.

All Items

It defines the all items text used in the menu. Default is the Name label.

Add New Item

It defines the add new item text. If the entity hierarchical the default is Add New Post otherwise it is Add New Page.

Edit Item

It defines the edit item text. If the entity hierarchical the default is Edit Post otherwise it is Edit Page.

New Item

It defines the new item text. If the entity hierarchical the default is New Post otherwise it is New Page.

View Item

It defines the view item text. If the entity hierarchical the default is View Post otherwise it is View Page.

Search Items

It defines the search items text. If the entity hierarchical the default is Search Post otherwise it is Search Page.

Not Found

It defines the not found text. If the entity hierarchical the default is No Post found otherwise it is No Page found.

Not Found in Trash

It defines the not found in trash text. If the entity hierarchical the default is No posts found in Trash otherwise it is No pages found in Trash.

Parent Item:

It defines the parent text. This string is not used on non-hierarchical types. In hierarchical ones the default is Parent.

Updated (WPAS 4.3)

It defines the add new text. The default is Add New for both hierarchical and non-hierarchical entities.

Custom Field Updated (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when a custom field is updated. Entity must support custom fields for this message to be displayed.

Custom Field Deleted (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when a custom field is deleted. Entity must support custom fields for this message to be displayed.

Default Updated (WPAS 4.3)

Displays default entity updated message when no other entity message applicable.

Revision (WPAS 4.3)

Displays entity restored to revision from message.

Published (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when entity published.

Saved (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when entity saved.

Pending Submitted (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when entity pending submitted

Future Submitted (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when entity scheduled to be published in future.

Draft Updated (WPAS 4.3)

Displays when entity draft updated.

Available for Public

Whether this entity is intended to be used publicly either via the admin interface or by front-end users. -false- Entity is not intended to be used publicly and should generally be unavailable in the admin interface and on the front end unless explicitly planned for elsewhere. -true - Entity is intended for public use. This includes on the front end and in the admin interface. (default: True)

Has Archive

Enables entity archives. Will use entity name as archive slug by default.(default: True)

Exclude From Search

Whether to exclude objects of this entity from front end search results.(default: False)

Publicly Queryable

Whether queries can be performed on the front end in the URL address.(default: True)

Capability Type

The string to use to build the read, edit, and delete capabilities. The default is post. The specific capabilities can be assigned in the pro version.(default: post or page)


Triggers the handling of rewrites for this entity. To prevent rewrites, set to false. Default: true and use entity name as slug.(default: True)

Custom Rewrite Slug

Customize the permastruct slug. Max. 20 characters, can not contain capital letters or spaces. Defaults to the entity name. The specific custom rewrite slugs can be assigned in the pro version.(default: Entity name)

Query Var

Sets the query_var key for this entity. Default: true - set to $post_type. false - Disables query_var key use. A post type cannot be loaded at /?{query_var}={single_post_slug} (default: True)

Can Export

Can this entity be exported. (default: True)

Supports Editor

Adds the input text area for editor meta box

Supports Author

Adds the author meta box

Supports Featured Image

Adds the featured image meta box

Supports Excerpt

Adds a customized excerpt meta box

Supports Comments

Adds the comments meta box

Supports Trackbacks

Adds the trackbacks meta box

Supports Custom Fields

Adds the custom fields meta box

Supports Revisions

Adds the revisions meta box

Supports Page attributes

Adds the page attribute meta box

Supports Post Formats

Adds the post format meta box

Built-in Taxonomies - Supports Categories

Enables Built-in taxonomy support for categories

Built-in Taxonomies - Supports Tags

Enables Built-in taxonomy support for tags.

Show UI

Whether to generate a default UI for managing this entity in the admin area. (default: True)

Show in Menu

Where to show the entity in the admin menu. Show UI must be true. 'False' - do not display in the admin menu. 'True' - display as a top level menu. (default: True)

Icon Type (WPAS 3.0)

Sets the type of icon for your entity. You can assign an image,base64 image url, font-awesome or dashicon icons. If the default icon option is selected, then the pushpin icon is displayed. Dashicon icons can only be used for WordPress Version 3.8+.

Icon Class (WPAS 3.0)

Sets the class of the icon which will be displayed on the menu bar of the entity.

Menu-icon 16×16

The icon which will be displayed on the menu bar of the entity (default: Post icon)

Icon class

Set the icon class based on icon font's character set.

Show Menu Below

The position in the menu order the post type should appear. Options are Posts, Media, Links, Pages, Comments, First Separator, Plugins, Users, Tools, Settings, Second Separator.

Top level page

If an existing top level page such as 'tools.php' or 'edit.php?post_type=page', the entity will be placed as a sub menu of that.

Default Group Title

Sets the default group title in entity layout screen.

Enable Entity Comments (WPAS 4.0)

Adds built-in comment like functionality to your entity.

Type (WPAS 4.0)

You can choose either built-in or custom commenting functionality. Built-in commenting accumulates comments in Comments menu. Custom commenting creates its own menu item under the menu of your entity and accumulates the received comments there. When you use custom comments, comments made on your entity do not get mixed with the built-in comments for posts or pages.

Name (WPAS 4.0)

Create a unique name for your comment subentity. Only alphanumeric and underscore characters allowed.i Limited to 20 characters.

Display Type (WPAS 4.0)

Sets how custom comments are displayed. Use Shortcode - you can use !#shortcode
# code in the single layout view of your entity to display custom comments. Custom comment html, css, and javascript files will be used to display comments. Backend Only - comments are displayed in the admin edit screen of your entity. Use Theme Template - custom comments are displayed using the template(comments.php) your theme provides.

Single Label (WPAS 4.0)

Define a singular name for your comments.

Plural Label (WPAS 4.0)

Define a plural name for your comments.

Enable Trash (WPAS 4.0)

When enabled it allows to moving your comment records to trash status.

Enable Spam (WPAS 4.0)

When enabled it allows to moving your comment records to spam status.

To create an entity

  1. After you created your App, click on the Entities tab.

  2. Click on the Add New Entity link, you will see the new entity screen on the right.

  3. Fill in the entity fields and click Save for default configuration.

  4. Fill in the entity fields and click Save for default configuration.

  5. For advanced configuration, click "Show Advanced Options" checkbox

  6. Fill in the fields you need to configure. Refer to WPAS dictionary or field tooltips for help.

  7. Click save when finished.

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