How to update your subscription payment

To update your credit card information for your WP App Studio plan subscriptions, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login your account
  2. Click on "Subscriptions" tab
  3. Click on "Update Payment method" link under "Actions" column corresponding your subscription
  4. Fill in the form with the new information
  5. Click on "Update Payment Method" button to save

How to upgrade your WordPress development plan

You can upgrade to a higher WordPress development plan anytime. To upgrade please follow the steps below:

  1. After logging to your account click Purchase History tab
  2. Click on View licenses link on the product you want to upgrade
  3. Click on View Upgrades link
  4. Pick the plan you want to upgrade to
  5. Complete the checkout steps

What are the major view types?

Views is a component to display your WordPress data. WP App Studio allows you to create search, standard, single, archive, integration, and taxonomy views. All views except single views produce a list of content.

The single views display individual entity content. Each entity can only have one single view.

Search views are for displaying search results and must be attached to at least one search form.

Taxonomy views display the content of a taxonomy. Each taxonomy can have only one taxonomy view.

Archive views display a list of entity content. Each entity can have only one archive view.

Integration views as you may guess from the name integrates multiple views of content on one page. All views generate shortcode accepts single views.

In addition, you can sort, filter the archived content of views using the filter tab. Single views display only one record so can not be filtered or sorted. If you like to display multiple versions of the archived content of an entity, you can create a standard view.

There is no limitation of the number of standard views that can be attached to an entity. Standard views can be put on a page or post using the wpas toolbar button.  For more info see view component.

How can I add php code such as a table creation to my WP App Studio app?

Since version 5.3.0 WP App Studio has a php code area. This php code area is found in Settings page under Code tab. Here you can enter your php code for different needs such as creating tables , adding and calling WordPress filters and actions or any other plugin actions and filters to integrate with your app and/or WordPress. This code is added as an extra file in your app in generation time. Please do a syntax(lint) check before you add your code. If your code has any syntax error, your app won't generate and return an error.  This feature is supported on all ProDev plans and not included in FreeDev plan.

How to create shortcodes from your views?

In your WPAS design views list page any view type except single, archive and taxonomy and all submit and search forms are created as shortcodes. The shortcode uses the name of your view. Lets say you just created a standard view with name employee_list , which is linked to your entity called Employees. This standard view gets all your employees and shows a table with employee info. You could add this to any page using [employee_list].

When you are editing this view, under Display Options tab you will see 2 checkboxes:

1) Create Setup Page,  if selected, this view gets added to the quick setup which will create a page for this view (shortcode).

2) Remove from WPAS button list , don't check this if you want to use WPAS Visual Shortcode Builder on pages to create your shortcodes with different filters. 

Visual Shortcode Builder allows to create simple as well as complex shortcodes. A simple shortcode is the one without any parameters such as [employee_list]. A more complex one may have one to many parameters such as filtering attributes, taxonomies or relationships limiting the results to certain post ids.

To enable Visual Shortcode Builder make sure you uncheck "Remove Visual Shortcode Builder" option under your Settings page Misc tab in WP App Studio.


Why do I get “Error: You must have at least one unique attribute in each entity. Please set at least one attribute unique in..” when I try to generate my WPAS app?

To generate your app you must have at least 1 unique attribute in each entity in your design. To check this, go to entities page in WP App Studio and click on your entity.  You will see a table with:  "Name,  Label, Type, Req, Unique, Created, Modified" columns for all your attributes. You should have at least one of your attributes with Y  value for Unique column.

What happens when I create a notification?

You need to create a notification if you’d like to send notification to some events such backend add or comment added. When a notification is created and attached to an entity, all attributes, taxonomies in addition to some built-in wordpress fields can be included in the notification emails. When the code is generated, WPAS creates a notification page under Plugin settings. All notification emails can be modified in there. You can see this in our free plugins with notifications such as “Request a quote” or “WP Easy Contact” downloading them from

How can I cancel my subscription?

Login to your account. Under subscriptions heading, you will see your plan and a cancel link.  Click on the cancel link to cancel your plan.

Can WPAS plugins be translated to any language?

WPAS creates pot files automatically for every app.  See details.

Does my app stop working when I cancel my subscription?

No, it does not.  Development subscription plans are related to code generation not the functionality of your app.

What happens when I cancel my subscription?

When you cancel your subscription plan, you can not send your plugin design for code generation. 

Who can be a SellDev author?

You need to have a valid development plan license to be a SellDev author. You can use your FreeDev plan license plan as well. You must be logged in to submit your designs.

What are the license requirements for attached libraries, frameworks etc.?

Attached libraries are defined as any third party products linked to WPAS components to support your design's functionality. All libraries, frameworks and other third party products must be compatible with GNU GPLv3 license terms.

Can I sell the generated WordPress plugin based on my design?

Yes, you can. Open a support ticket under SellDev topic.

Can I fork a design and submit for SellDev?

Yes, you can. But the changes in your design must be significant and the original author must approve them.

What are SellDev designs licensed under?

All designs are licensed under GPLv3. If this is an issue for your design, please contact us.

How do I receive payment?

Earnings are deposited into your SellDev Market Account. Once your earnings reach $50.00, our system automatically sends your earnings through PayPal at the beginning of each month.

Is supporting of my SellDev designs required?

It is not required to support your designs. If you choose to support your item, you can use the comment section of your design's page.

How much money can I make on a SellDev sale?

When you sell one of your items, you will earn a percentage of that sale. Initially, you earn 50% of the item's price. This percentage increases up to 70% when you pass $10.000 (USD) in total sales. Earnings are calculated after all discounts.

How prices are set on SellDev?

On SellDev Marketplace, plugin design list prices are determined by us during the review process based on the following factors; quality, complexity and potential demand.

In addition to setting initial item prices, we may change the price of their items at any time, including temporary price changes promoted as a sale/discount. If you made significant changes to your design, you can open a support ticket selecting SellDev topic and we will be happy to review the price set. If we decide that a price change is appropriate action to take, we let you know.

How can I translate WPAS apps to my language?

WPAS apps can be translated into any language by editing YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot and empd-pro.pot files.

  • YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot file is for the components used in your app
  • YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN.pot file is for app specific strings that need to be translated.

Follow the steps below to fully translate your app into the desired language:

  1. Copy YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins.pot as language specific .po file such as YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-emd-plugins-tr_TR.po.
  2. Copy YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN.pot as language specific .po file such as YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN-tr_TR.po.
  3. Use your favorite PO file editor and complete translation strings in the .po files you created.
  4. When translations are completed, create .mo file of each .po file.
  5. Create wp-content/languages/YOUR-TEXT-DOMAIN directory
  6. Put translated .mo files and .po files in the directory above to protect them from getting deleted during plugin updates.
  7. Change the language to the translated language from Settings > General > Site Language.
  8. Repeat the process until you get all strings translated.

Make sure to change "tr_TR" in the example steps to your desired language extensions. If you want to use a plugin to localize your app, we recommend Loco Translate WordPress plugin which is freely available at

How can I upload files to WordPress with non standard extension?

WordPress does not allow uploading files with non standard extensions. To be able to upload files without getting warning from WordPress, you need to apply upload_mimes filter and add it to your functions.php file of your theme. In the example below, we add files with .wpas extension to the allowed file list:

[gist id="c38317ca9568586ebd26862dfb8b26a7"]

Can I change to the source code of WPAS apps?

You can. However, this action results in cancellation of your usage and support license since the connection(traceability) between plugin's design and source code is compromised. In other words, we can reproduce source code based on the plugin's design. We do not recommend you to modify/add/delete source code any way.

When can I cancel my plan?

You can cancel your subscription any time for the following term. You are responsible for all charges billed or incurred prior to cancellation. If Services are terminated before the end of your invoicing cycle, we won't prorate charges to the date of termination and you won't receive a credit or refund for any unused Services.

How do I update my WPAS app?

Updating your WP App Studio generated plugin is easy and depends on your development plan. If your development plan supports plugin updates, it can be done like any other plugin update via the WordPress dashboard plugin page. When you have a new version of your plugin, WPAS will send you an update notification. Simply, click on the update notice to update your plugin source code.

Otherwise, you must upload the plugin zip file and activate your plugin.

What are the system requirements for WPAS?

To install and use Wp App Studio (WPAS) and WPAS Apps, the following minimum technical requirements must be met by your web hosting environment:

  • WordPress 4.0 or higher
  • MySQL 5 or higher
  • PHP 5.4 or higher
  • Javascript enabled web browser is required in the backend only. Tests have been completed in IE 8+ Firefox, Safari and Opera browsers' latest versions.
  • Some advanced features may require changes in your web server configuration.

If your web hosting environment does not meet these requirements, contact your host’s technical support team.

Why do I get “-1” when I saved my app design in WP App Studio?

It is important to have a valid WordPress session while you're working on your WP App Studio designs. If your session expires, you cannot save your design.

When you get "-1" when you saved your app design, it means your WordPress session has expired. You need to refresh your session by login into the admin area.

Do I have to create a view for forms in WP App Studio?

Forms are displayed using shortcodes. Each form has its own shortcode. Each form shortcode can be placed in a page. Alternatively, you can create a setup page when creating the form and the form page is created during your plugin activation if users decide to use setup assistant.

You do not have to create a view for each form. You can place a form shortcode into a view layout and display it. For search forms, form results and form itself are two separate components and must be designed separately. For search form results, you must create a form results view.

How do I import WP App Studio design?

  1. Download app signature if it is not in your local file system.
  2. Click on WP App Studio menu link.
  3. Click on Import button in the app list screen.
  4. Click Browse button and select the app signature(.wpas file).
  5. Click "Import Now" button to import

Do WPAS plugins work with any WordPress plugin or theme?

Our plugins work with most well written plugins and themes. Most issues can be resolved by yourself by modifying your app design. You're in control. We do not provide support for third party plugin or theme related issues.

Can I install WPAS generated plugins anywhere?

WP App Studio generated plugins are custom plugins. You should ask your hosting company or site owner offering WordPress sites if the custom WordPress plugins are allowed.

Do you allow redistribution of WPAS apps?

Redistribution covers licensing, sub-licensing, white-labeling or reselling the final WP App Studio generated apps. You can not redistribute WPAS apps without explicit, written permission from eMarket Design. Only enterprise customers can contact us for a redistribution license and quote. If you'd like showcase a generated plugin in, contact us.

Can I install WPAS apps to any number of sites?

Yes. You can install and activate your app on unlimited number of sites regardless of single or multi site installation.

Can I upgrade my plan?

Yes, you can. If your needs change, you can upgrade to the plan of your choosing anytime from your account.

Can I see some WPAS generated apps?

Please visit and click on any plugin's demo site. In addition, we offer free WPAS generated WordPress plugins in

Do you offer refunds?

We offer refunds within 15 days of your purchase if you did not send your design for code generation. After code generation, no refunds are issued.

Will my license renew itself automatically?

Yes. Your usage license gets automatically renewed from the current plan price until you cancel. All of our plans are offered as monthly or annual subscriptions.

Do you have a free trial?

Yes. FreeDev plan is offered free of charge and designed to showcase basic capabilities of WP App Studio. You can send as many apps for code generation as long as you have a valid FreeDev license.

